
Aashta Public School

School Facilities

"This department is one of the most innovative and dynamic in School. The department has its own large and spacious office in the Art and Media Center and is complete with a library of hard copy and digital resources for boys and teachers to use for research. The resources available are substantial and regularly reviewed and updated. They enable boys to research courses, careers and universities and colleges in India and abroad. Both facilities are open throughout the term and in much of the school holidays to meet the requirements of the application processes of universities around the world.

Support the educational aims of the school by making the library central and integral to the independent learning processes within the school.Provide a service which will enable boys to become more responsible for their own learning and prepare for university by helping them develop their research and study skills.

Provide an environment which encourages relaxation and private reading. Regularly changing displays and celebration of national book awards, presenting and highlighting new novels, literary works and latest developments, as well as personal recommendations, encourage pupils to read a varied range of material.

This facility was built to provide the school with a stage facility with attendant sports opportunities. It is well used for conferences, assemblies, visiting speakers, Board Examinations, debating, concerts and social events with neighboring girls’ schools, as well as for sports such as table tennis and badminton.

 Ashta Public School