The quality of education depends on school facilities and instructional material.
When you enter our beautiful campus, the first thing that strikes you is the piety and cognitively rich atmosphere which is all pervading in our corridors. As one gets acquainted with our culture and ethos, one realises that family values.
School events and whole school activities help to raise awareness of how toInvite students, teachers and parents to each contribute one idea that your ... Set up a string line for students to add a flag with their personal anti-bullying message.
School faculty is responsive to the changing programs of educational delivery, and at a minimum should provide a physical environment that is comfortable, safe, secure, accessible, well illuminated, well ventilated, and aesthetically pleasing.
Aastha Public School Banooti has been set up with the aim of giving impetus in dynamic progressive and rich educational infrastructure. Education for Life, Excellence in Education and Commitment to a meaningful Education are of prime importance. Quality education is provided to each and every child. APS believes that love for education should be developed in children at initial years and conditions should be created for them to pursue a positive approach in life. A unidirectional teaching method is being increasingly substituted by a multidirectional group workshop method. Here the teacher becomes the group coordinator initiating work. Development of oral and written expression is emphasized upon. Home assignments are not a carryover of class work but oriented towards honing individual talents.
"To Make Aastha Public School a learning community of motivated students and staff engaged in realizing their full potential"
The quality of education depends on school facilities and instructional material.
Class Time: 10:30 am - 11:00 am
school activities can stimulate introductions, get students talking, and set the tone.
Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives.
A Goal Citizen who Values his country and does not have any prejudices of caste, colors, creed or religion
To impart top class education to each student that promotes academic excellence, phtysical fitness, and pysological consciousness.
Annual days represent the day that is a mixture of acknowledging achievements of the children throughout the year and also a lot of fun and joy the children bring to all through their performance on stage.